NY connects health–someday soon

Despite the dysfunctional state of the Empire State (the area is home to your North America editor), some interesting and pricey developments:

  • The NY eHealth Collaborative (NYeC) announced both a new executive director (David Whitlinger, ex Intel and Continua) plus $35 million from a NY State grant.  NYeC is a public-private collaborative promoting the adoption of electronic health records and HIT infrastructure. Article
  • FAIR Health:  NY State Attorney General Andrew Cuomo is putting $100 million in settlement money from five major health plans (from the Ingenix reimbursement setting action) to fund a consumer nonprofit website called FAIR Health, designed to allow patients around the country to check in advance on how much they are likely to be reimbursed by their insurer when they pay for out-of-network health-care services in their area.  Five upstate universities led by Syracuse University will develop it, date TBD.  Article and AG Cuomo statement.