If you are a developer, marketer or clinical user of eHealth…
Sometimes you wind up objectifying the people who benefit from your product or service. You lose touch with what inspired you to take this difficult journey into the field, or (as a former VP of mine so aptly put it) ‘get hung up in your underwear’ on the technology.
This short (16:32) video from TEDxPentagon may serve as an antidote. Capt. William Todd, M.D., USN, a pediatric orthopedic surgeon, talks simply, directly about the challenges–including technology–that affect the bond between doctor and patient, and the ‘x factor’ of the human spirit. Armed with Science: Compassion as a universal solvent Ed. Donna
IN ADDITION you may like to follow up with viewings of a series of short interviews with UK patients and nurses who use telehealth, courtesy of Patient Voices. Start at the top and work down the list. Ed. Steve