In recognition of the wishes of older people to remain independent in their own home and to avoid unnecessary admission to sheltered accommodation or care homes, and the fact that the odd phone-call to check on someone’s wellbeing is not enough, Angus Council will be using Chubb Community Care’s Betavista social video system to allow clients to use their own television to receive live images of their carer and in turn their carer can see them. Older people will have the opportunity to speak to and see someone in the monitoring centre at the touch of a button. The system can extend to family and friends and it is believed that this will delay or even take away the need for the client to move to a full time care environment.
Angus Council Social Work and Health Convener Alison Andrews said:
“This initiative is a significant step forward in enabling older people to remain independent within their own homes, safe in the knowledge that they can see and speak with a carer or family member at the touch of a button.
So often, people wish to remain in their own homes but may feel isolated, particularly if their partner dies or their neighbours move away. Their families may also be some distance away.
We believe that this technology will delay or even remove the need for an older person to enter a full-time care environment.”
For more information on the project contact Andrew Inggall (Chubb Community Care Development Manager) on 07866 772077 or e-mail