Protest at Barnet proposal to stop warden service (UK)

Telecare Aware has several times flagged up the tensions that seem to occur when people regard housing wardens and telecare systems as either/or. (New site search. Old site story) They should be complementary. InsideHousing gives us another relevant article: Government slams Barnet for axing warden service.

Comment: From everything I have seen, Barnet has one of the most user-focused telecare services in the country, but surely its telecare service is not expected to replace the service wardens gave, even if the widespread adoption of a tenant safety confirmation service were comtemplated to support it? This does seem like yet another example of a UK council’s lack of policy co-ordination.

transparency statement

1 thought on “Protest at Barnet proposal to stop warden service (UK)

  1. Warden service continuity

    It is a constant surprise to me, as a provider of both telecare and warden services, that so many organisations fail to realise that the most powerful solution to supporting people in the community is a combination of technology and personal intervention.

    When you consider how much funding goes into ‘reviewing’ or ‘exploring options’ one does begin to wonder where these organisation’s priority lie .. with the processes or the outcomes ?

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