Laurie Orlov’s report from AAHSA (American Association of Homes and Services for the Aging) pointedly highlights the gap between technology and its adoption in home care, assisted living and nursing home facilities. Dozens of ‘cool technologies’ were on display on the exhibit floor, including the HAL ‘assisted limb’ (see ‘Grandpa’s helper’ 6 Nov) but most especially in the ‘AAHSA Idea House’ which combined universal design, remote monitoring and ‘quality of life’ technologies. But in her view, all are fighting for adoption by facilities, and against inaction and lack of awareness. Ms. Orlov ends with a call for AAHSA and CAST (their technology wing) to articulate steps to adoption, testing and a product validation process. Aging In Place Technology Watch article
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Short video of AAHSA Idea House
A great short video of the AAHSA Idea House technologies featured on Chicago’s WTTW (PBS Channel 11), available at