A blueprint for the future of home care (US)

Laurie Orlov of Aging in Place Technology Watch is the author of a new, large N study surveying 315 home care managers responsible for 34,509 workers in home care and geriatric care management. Findings: the present of home care and care transition is fragmented and ineffective in basic metrics (quality, oversight, records not following the patient through care transitions, use of technology–both for internal management and external telehealth or telecare), patient/family engagement and care collaboration.) Moreover, the whole jerrybuilt structure is coming apart due to lower home care and hospitalization reimbursements, more accountability for documented outcomes by payers and regulators, and the increased expectation of older people to be enabled to remain at home. The future as envisioned by Laurie is far more seamless and effective in managing care transitions in something she calls the Home Care Information Network (HCIN). Co-sponsors are Philips, LivHome and Microsoft. While this is based on the US model, there is much applicability for other countries’ systems. 26 pages. The Future of Home Care Technology (PDF)