Moray to ramp up its telehealthcare service (UK)
Moray’s 58 page Draft Telehealthcare Strategy is out for consultation until 14 May and provides detail on how one of the major councils in Scotland has embraced telecare and telehealth technologies and intends to develop the service further. This is great news for the people of Moray.
Most of the content will be old news for Telecare Aware’s UK readers but it will provide a fascinating insight for people in other parts of the world unfamiliar with such deployments or, indeed, the organisational culture of UK councils and NHS. Download the PDF from Moray Council’s website.
To set Moray’s plans into the wider Scottish context, here is a useful one-page set of recommendations from Scotland’s Long Term Conditions Collaborative.
As a side matter, readers may recall a previous item where I [Ed. Steve] asked why a number of councils – including Moray – had adopted the term ‘telehealthcare’…