Future Homes funding to pay for telecare (Scotland)
Great to see telecare provision becoming so embedded in thinking about provision and in the media consciousness in Scotland. Item in the Perthshire Advertiser.
Great to see telecare provision becoming so embedded in thinking about provision and in the media consciousness in Scotland. Item in the Perthshire Advertiser.
Hong Kong’s Hospital Authority will spend HK$1 billion for building an e-health record system for the next 10 years, according to this item in Network World. And the connection to telecare? Monitoring information has, eventually, to get into people’s records…. Read moreHong Kong to spend HK$1 billion on e-health in 10 years
It’s slightly ironic that when Twitter’s virtue is its brevity, nurse Phil Baumann comes up with a long list of uses that it could be put to in healthcare. But he makes a case for its use: “Twitter’s simplicity of… Read more140 health care uses for Twitter
Dr David More dissects the ehealth components of the just-published Australian National Health and Hospital Reform Commission Interim Report and finds it sadly lacking. See his comments at the end of this blog post that conclude “There is some useful… Read moreNational Health and Hospital Reform Commission Interim Report (Australia)
A reader wrote the other day to question why this news service is called Telecare Aware when all the stories seemed to be about telehealth. The gist of my reply was: telecare and telehealth technologies are on a convergent path,… Read moreWhere are the telecare stories?