the churn of people leaving the list as they change jobs, etc. means that it has taken a while for the list to reach this point. About a fifth of people on the mailing list signed up in 2006!
By the way, as an alternative to following news items via the weekly emails, regular Facebook users are now able to pull Telecare Aware posts into their News Feed or Wall. Information here.
Phillip Wild
Phillip is Technical Director of Duomo*, based in Droitwich, Worcestershire, UK and is presently undertaking a masters degree in Assistive Technology.
I asked Phillip why he was undertaking the masters. He said “As a result of my involvement with presenting to telecare conferences I met Darren Awang from Coventry University who heads up their MSc Assistive Technology course. I decided to do this degree as a way of increasing my background knowledge of the subject.
“I am currently researching horticultural therapy and whether a garden can be considered as a piece of assistive technology in its own right. This is a really interesting question because it would have a massive impact on both patient assessment and funding with regard to personalised budgets. If any readers have views on this, I would be pleased to hear from them.”
* Duomo manufactures unique gas detectors that make an automatic self test to check that cookers have been turned off following a telecare alarm and turns them off if not. In addition to preventing the build-up of gas, the self check saves the responding organisation the cost of sending someone out to check the state of the appliance. The system makes a call back to the telecare centre through a standard Tunstall or Tynetec-type call unit. More information on Duomo gas detector systems (PDF). Duomo website.
As Seth Godin says “you only need a thousand followers!” Well deserved!
Well done, Steve. It must give you a sense of satisfaction to know that Telecare Aware is a worthy “product” to have such a following.
[Many thanks, Trevor. I appreciate the thought but, to be frank, as I’ve watched the numbers grow by word of mouth month-by-month, it’s never occurred to me that its success had anything much to do with me. Donna, yes, because since September last year she has put in a tremendous amount of thought and energy into her items, but I just keep chugging along, picking out the things that interest me and letting off a bit of steam now and again! But we do both appreciate the people who take the time to add comments; people who have made a voluntary subscription, and companies that have advertised, particularly Tynetec which has run a sponsorship banner constantly for a number of years without ever, I might add, attempting to influence the content.]
1000th email contact
Your hard work and passion around Telecare over many years has paid off – well done! I have followed and occaisionally made a comment on your site for many years now. It is no doubt the No1 site for information in this industry sector and it is well presented by the editor in an informative and critical way, which is good as an independent resource. Continue the good work and once again well done!
1000 Members
Hi Steve Congratulations on making it to 1000 members and i didnt realise i was the first back in March 06!!……..Having worked in the Community Alarm field for 24 years i do find your information very useful, to keep abreast of new technology…..Onwards and upwards!