A good conference…we are already ‘on message’ with the strategy, so what we’d find helpful is more practical information – like about phone providers…that Sky, etc. are not necessarily supporting care at the moment, for example, or bar coding equipment, or whether or not they are ‘medical devices’, etc.
Martin Kennard, Leeds
We think it’s been excellent. With this kind of numbers to network with, it’s brilliant, but it can still go up a level. It needs to have more senior people from the health service here. Well done TSA team, they have done an excellent job.
Angela Single, Choose Independence
The workshops have been excellent, people have been participating well. I found the telehealth information interesting because that’s all fairly new to me. Also liked ‘When The Inspector Calls’ session – my colleague doesn’t yet have the TSA Code of Practice Parts 2 and 3 accreditation so I went in with her and I thought Chris Waller was very informative and helpful – well done to him!
Jennifer Benson, Casa Lifeline, East Sussex
It’s been successful for us. We’ve met four companies who have asked us to develop products for them. As usual, the quality of the visitors is very high.
David Robson, Burnside Telecom (Exhibitor)
What I always appreciate is the opportunity to network. It’s been interesting to find out how different people market their services.
Brian Rigg, Cross Keys Homes
It’s been excellent to see the different products on the market and to network with everybody.
Anna Read, Call24
The conference has been a definite step forward from last year. What’s come through to me clearly is how we need to integrate the delivery of telehealth and telecare…delivering telehealth through the existing community alarm platform. We have that in a few places in Wales, so it has been interesting to see other examples. It’s both about technology and service organisation…I think we will be working a lot on that in Wales over the next year.
Lee Davis, Head of Assistive Technology, Welsh Assembly Government