Tablet Wars #2: iPad entering practices, hospitals, LTC

Without fanfare or even Apple overtly promoting healthcare use, iPads have been creeping into–and approved for–clinical care settings. From medical schools (Stanford) to hospitals (Loyola and Georgetown Universities) and even long term care (RehabCare), iPads are catching on as an alternative to paper charts, toting around laptops and even squinting at iPhones. Yes, many of the adopters are iPhone users who find the iPad easier to use and to see charts, medication lists and anatomical drawings. What’s new: cloud-based EMR providers like ClearPractice are piloting iPads in private practices with an eye to achieving ‘meaningful use’ incentives–and developing applications that easily access the EMR via touching an icon on the home screen. And the iPad 2 hasn’t even appeared! Securing data in the enterprise of course is a major concern and undoubtedly will be a topic at HIMSS 2011 in two weeks. (American Medical Association)