Standards in Telecare and Telehealth (UK)

telecare requires contributions from the public and private sectors and from across different organisations within the statutory sector in the UK.

“Until now the focus of pilot telecare projects has been on demonstrating the effectiveness of telecare services. But, if further progress towards the goal of a national service [is there talk of a national telecare service? Ed. Steve] is to be made, there need to be standards in place covering not just telecare devices, but also all the activities within the service such as; how each individual activity operates, how the activities in the supply chain interact, on information governance and on overall care outcomes.

“Without standards, the current piecemeal development of the telecare sector will continue, rather than coherent growth. Several organisations have started to tackle this issue and we are bringing them together in this workshop, with other standards making bodies, to identify ways of moving forward. Delegates will have the opportunity to inform the discussion on how such standards should be applied to this potential world-wide market.”

With a line-up of speakers that includes Dick Curry, E-Health Development Director, SEHTA; Richard Trusson, Technical Architect: Telehealth, NHS Technology Office, Department of Health Informatics Directorate; Trevor Single, CEO, Telecare Services Association; Mark Reynolds, Director, NHS Information Standards Board; Melvin Reynolds, AMS Consulting, Co-Chair of the IEEE and HL7 Health Devices groups and Simon Alcock, Sector Content Manager – Healthcare, British Standards Institution, it looks like it will be an interesting day.

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