'Tattletale pills' picked up by the NHS

patch_iphone_white_grey_popProteus Biomedical’s ‘smart pills’ will be piloted with the NHS starting this month with the Royal Berkshire and Imperial College Healthcare Trusts. The 40-person, four-month study will test bisoprolol, a beta-blocker, and furosemide, a diuretic pill, fitted with Proteus’edible microchips that transmit to a small body sensor. If successful, the test will be extended for another year. In this study, Proteus will also track the patients’ heart rate and whether a patient is laying horizontally while sleeping or frequently sitting up (a sign of fluid in the lungs).  According to Mobihealthnews, a sign that Proteus is thinking ‘wireless remote monitoring’ is their hiring of Ideo designer Arna Ionescu.  Mobihealthnews article.