21 thoughts on “Mobile-based Healthcare Models for Emerging Markets

  1. Interesting – mHealth for Emerging Markets

    Thanks for sharing this very interesting article.

    I attended this panel discussion and found it very interesting there. Sophie has managed to get all the real people from all over the world including Dr Ruchi Dass from India, its great to hear her at the panel to see healthcare evolution. Shall be interested in attending the next informa conclave with Ruchi.

  2. Informa Telecom and Media- Dr Ruchi
    Dr Ruchi Dass was one of the show stopper at Informa Mobile healthcare Industry summit. She explains complex issues with simple phrases and examples and put it together with ease. Am also very impressed with Adesina. I loved this particular post

  3. Fantastic Dr Ruchi
    Hi, I work for Turk Telecom Izhmir. Its a wonderful concept, if complied it will do wonders. Wow, Ruchi has some great perspectives.

  4. Mwaah! (Dr Ruchi)
    A candid one. I love Dr Ruchi’s style of writing, this woman makes a lot of sense indeed. Very niche concept and very timely approach. Kudos!

    [Dr Ruchi seems to have a fan club! Steve]

  5. Technology World 09
    I met Dr Ruchi in Birmingham in technologyworld09. She has a fair good knowledge of mhealth in India and what business models will succeed. Her new blog gives a proper knowldege flow of this dream called mobile healthcare in India.

  6. Good Post (Dr Ruchi)

    This is a real good post. I was wondering where this workshop happened and what was I doing when this happened. Dr Ruchi looks like some knowledge bank on mhealth. She must be a researcher and the other day somebody said, she is a doctor.

    Anyways, lots of companies like Nokia, Ericsson should look for such information.

  7. Mobile Healthcare
    Some interesting stuff here. Brilliant i must say, i think telecareware is the best aggregator, and i am hooked now. Is there a way i can add RSS of Dr Ruchi Bhatt post on my blog, her blog would be very useful for people to understand indian market who are willing to enter here.

  8. Is India ready for mobile healthcare
    I would like to get some clarification from Dr Ruchi, whether there are some health application in india which are been used? Pls cite examples.

    [Please ask Dr Ruchi directly – see a comment above for a link to her blog. Editor]

  9. Indian Context
    Great post really, thanks for sharing. Can we subscribe to the blog newsletter? i have visited India twice, but couldnt meet Ruchi. I see that she is a speaker at cambridge wireless event on 18 march, looking forward to meet her there.

  10. Mobile-based Healthcare Models for Emerging Markets

    Dear Editor, I feel that such examples, illustrations and ideas when brought together can only help investors understand mobile health-care better, otherwise if people like me get projects like this to fund, I have not many references and studies on the same.

    I understand that such publications, journals and white papers will help size the market as well as better understand the potential of the business. Good post

  11. Emerging Markets
    I agree with Ranga and appreciate Dr Ruchi’s post. Its amazing. The recent post defining Public Partnership is amazing as well.Mobile healthcare services exist to improve outcomes, but they have the potential to improve output of service provision as well. Operations management research on remote and mobile healthcare interventions tends to focus solely on output efficiency and leaving the questions of output-outcome relations to clinical medicine. However, with preventive interventions output-outcome relation plays a critical role in defining life-cycle long costs, outcomes and production effects of the technological intervention. Healthcare operations management can offer a valuable framework for better understanding remote mobile service systems and their effects. In her posts she explores different types of efficiency implications using mobile phone based solutions as an interesting example.

  12. Public Partnership Mobile Healthcare India
    Is Mobile healthcare Publicly managed in India? who fund this? Are foreign investments welcome? What is the status of 3g in India. Do they also face problems like Ghana related to spectrum unavailability? Any link to Dr ruchi’s post?

  13. Congratulations Dr Ruchi
    Congratulations Dr Ruchi for the wonderful work you have done in India with Health mate for aanganbadi workers in rural India like Bihar and bhuvaneshwar and for Kerala people with DrSMS. KEEP UP GOOD WORK!

  14. mhealth and Dr Ruchi

    m-health is a new and evolving research discipline that is defined as emerging merging mobile communications and network technologies for healthcare.

    This new evolutionary research area will involve the provision of new paradigms in healthcare that will provide both the health care professionals and patients with an efficient, secure, ubiquitous and robust infrastructure coupled with tools for the assessment and management of patient health status and the support of preventive and patient empowerment programmes.

    However, for such new services to be provided, in which patient confidential data will be routinely transferred between mobile devices having no prior knowledge of each other, robust new security services will be essential. These will have to be based on new security paradigms that, unlike today, cannot assume the presence of common trusted third parties, or require the patients to use cumbersome key or password management techniques.

    The assessment and the trustworthiness of “stranger” devices such as future wireless wearables and implantable devices will need to replace me former or some of the existing security methodologies. Issues such as context awareness and mobile ubiquitous computing systems will be the driving force for such development in existing security architectures and technologies that will be compatible with the requirement of such systems and services and the whole m-health security infrastructure will need to be autonomic and predictive with self annealing so that it can determine when it is being attacked or not.

    Read a lot about this on Dr Ruchi’s post as well as her group Health on mobiles,I still have queries.. comments welcome

  15. Emerging markets
    Dr Ruchi has very good convincing and negotiating skills. I remember that I heard her saying once- “There is a lot to learn. I am not a champion ‘coz I was the first one to start by myself. I am Confident however, I got a chance to learn…Dr Ruchi Dass

  16. Mobile health

    Innovation in development matters. It matters because applying new ideas to persistent problems can allow countries an alternative or complement to longer-gestating reforms that may be vulnerable to capture by special interests or affected by political cycles.

    Innovation is as imperative to productivity and competitiveness as human and financial capital are; it can provide additional services and channels to conduct transactions. However, it is in developing countries that innovation can have a transformational as well as additional impact, providing novel ways to conduct business and enabling financial and social systems to work better.

  17. Telehealth India
    Well looks quite intriguing. India is the hub of technology but when it comes to adoption, its the most backward one. We have seen some very good models however. Ruchi said that ISRO, DIT, MOHFW all are involved in this in India. It might change the healthcare landscape then…keeping fingers crossed

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