David Lee Scher, MD proposes that five technology areas will benefit from the current US Supreme Court (SCOTUS) greenlighting of the Accountable Care Act (ACA): informatics, mobile apps, telemedicine (virtual consults), peer-to-peer healthcare social networking and (drumroll) remote monitoring (telehealth and text/SMS). As Dr. Scher concludes, the pressure is now on to develop, approve and adopt technology. This very well could be the outcome no matter what happens (including a restructuring of ACA by a post-November US President and Congress), but there’s factors called 50 US states (all of which approve healthcare payment and delivery), the Five Big Questions (now expanded)* and technologies starving for funding. See comments below the article, especially the first (read bottom up) is not a top down task. (Disclosure: deetelecare is Editor Donna) Companies selling these 5 technologies should like the Obamacare ruling (MedCityNews)
* The Four Big Questions (FBQs)–who pays, how much, who’s looking at the data, who’s actioning it–are now Five–integrating the data into patient records, in presumably an accessible and effective way.