CareCalls Limited: A sincere and unreserved apology

At lunchtime on Wednesday 25th September I, (editor Steve) published an item, withdrawn this afternoon, that implied an association between Telecare Technology Limited (a company dissolved a month ago) with CareCall Limited known to the UK’s telecare community as Telecare Technology – a trading name. The item raised the question, as a matter of public interest, of whether the company (assumed to be one and the same) was still trading.

This was published in good faith because the Government’s public record of the Telecare Framework Agreement lists Telecare Technology Limited, not CareCall Limited as the company on the framework, and lists as that company’s website. The Telecare Technology website states that the company (but not which company) is on the Framework Agreement. It was not until Mr Adam Cole, of CareCalls revealed in a comment on the item that they had tried and failed to correct the listing on the Framework Agreement that some light was thrown on the confusion. Given that Buying Solutions (as was – it is now the Government Procurement Service) which created the Framework Agreement showed itself to be highly incompetent at the time [links here, here and here] I accept that this is a credible explanation.

I therefore extend a sincere and unreserved apology to both Adam and Jamie Cole for the distress the item caused them, and also to any readers who may have jumped to inappropriate conclusions about their business. As their customers’ contracts will state that their relationship is with CareCalls Limited they, at least, will not have been confused.

I also apologise to the Coles for not checking the information with them before publication. And also to readers, who should be able to expect a higher standard of Telecare Aware.

1 thought on “CareCalls Limited: A sincere and unreserved apology

  1. I believe also that from a marketing view, it demonstrates the importance of establishing your corporate and product/trade names, protecting them from ‘poachers’ with similar names, and using both frequently and jointly. In the US, for instance, we customarily place a (c) with the legal company name and year at the bottom of advertising and web pages. For added protection, it’s good practice to state your trade name as protected by the company as in ‘XYZ is a registered trademark of QRS Company’.

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