Care Innovations Health Guide Windows 7 puzzle announcement

One expects important announcements from top companies to be clear and informative. But this editor (Steve) has struggled to understand what yesterday’s Intel-GE Care Innovations Health Guide on Windows 7 devices press release means in practice. Just what are these ‘hundreds of Windows 7 consumer devices’ that the Health Guide now runs on?

Surely it would not have been beyond the wit of someone in Intel-GE Care Innovations to knock out a brief video to explain it? No – sorry, I’m expecting too much! After all, the same press release rambles on about a new European customer for the Guide and then, with no explanation as to why, switches to a quote from a nurse from NHS Central Lancashire – a ‘quote’ that reads just as a press officer might have written. Puzzle it out for yourself: In-home health monitoring now available on consumer devices.

UPDATE Monday 13 June: A reference to the above on the LinkedIn Connected Health Commumity Group (group members: look for the In-home health monitoring now available on consumer devices discussion) has brought forward some positive and negative responses to the CI development. Helpfully, Suneel Ratan explains his understanding that the new Guide product is designed to run on any Windows 7-capable desktop or laptop PC and that a key to the system is a secure SD card. When you insert the card into the SD slot of a PC it becomes a Class II base station that can connect to Class II devices (bp cuff, bg meter, etc.). However, some commenters think that the development is a backward step.