Five telecare booklets from Uni. of Stirling (UK)

Five booklets, most free, from the University of Stirling cover using telecare to support people with dementia, with learning disabilities and with physical or sensory impairments. Download them here. [You will need to jump through the hoop of setting up a free account.]

3 thoughts on “Five telecare booklets from Uni. of Stirling (UK)

  1. booklets download help
    Have tried to download but blocked on my computer. Any advice anyone?

  2. Booklets download

    I’m sorry I forgot to mention that they require you to jump through the hoop of creating an account before you can download the booklets – I’ll add that to the original item.

    If you need help after that point, please leave more information about the problem you are having – where you are located; which browser you are using; any error messages you see, etc. OR (probably better still) contact the University of Stirling Dementia Shop.

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