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Much appreciated, thanks, Steve . . . .
Much appreciated, thanks, Steve . . . .
In a Telecare Soapbox item, telecare practitioner Rufus Handy articulates in a forthright manner what many people seem to be thinking about the way telecare is currently being presented and implemented. If Taiwan is truly intending to adopt the UK… Read moreWhat’s wrong with the UK’s model of telecare?
CD technology could be adapted for tests ranging from the measurement of environmental toxins to at-home disease diagnosis, according to scientists in Spain. So when you next put your sample into your DVD player, remember you read it first on… Read moreSpinning A New Role For CDs And CD Players
In an excellent move, the Disabled Living Foundation has considerably improved the ‘look and feel’ of the Self Assessment Rapid Access (SARA) system by adopting a more graphical approach. UK councils (or others) who would like to adapt the system… Read moreDLF launches re-vamped SARA software
Not telecare directly, but relevant to the design of equipment. Having been aware that the Ford Focus designers used a mobility-restricting suit so that they could ‘experience’ what using their designs would be like for older people, I’ve been looking… Read moreWalk a Mile in Their Knees
Richmond Times (Virginia) raises awareness of the issues as writer Dr. Marion Somers, a geriatric-care manager for more than 30 years prepares to visit on a book-promotion tour. See how the story is handled.
78-year-old rescued from blaze (Thanks to telecare – Milton Keynes) High-tech device aims to keep vulnerable safe (Lancashire launch) Safety system to go h-tech (York) New Telecare Service Launched in Wakefield Care scheme helps vulnerable to stay at home longer… Read moreFive local telecare stories (UK)
Advert for US company MedScope Medical Alert Devices, thinly disguised as a press release.