Can Folic Acid Reduce Dementia Risk?
Not telecare, but a report of interest to anyone working with older people.
Not telecare, but a report of interest to anyone working with older people.
The CSIP CHange Agent Team is appealing for people (see below) to participate in a survey of their opinion on various housing and dementis-related topics. The survey can be downloaded from this site and should be returned by 18 February…. Read moreHousing and dementia survey
The Wired for the Third Age conference site has abstracts and presentations given on the 14 December by James Barlow, John Powell, Carl Renold, John Doyle, Guy Dewsbury, Keren Down, Andrew Webster, Brian Loader, Leigh Keeble, Mike Hardey, Becky Nightingale,… Read moreConferences: Looking back and looking forward
And don’t councils need both! Two more items from our friends at E-Health Insider, reporting items from the recent Laing and Buisson Telecare and Assistive Technology conference: Local authorities urged to accelerate telecare initiatives Council counts savings of telecare for… Read moreStick and carrot
With immediate effect. Announcement from Alertacall.
It’s free, but you must register for this DTI Global Watch Mission seminar on 21 February 2007 at the National Motorcycle Museum, Solihull. It’s aiming to attract: architects, building surveyors, access consultants, access officers, health facility managers, housing managers, housing… Read moreIntelligent housing – home-based healthcare delivery: a mission to the US
Tiresias, an information resource website for people working in the field of visual impairments that has been running since 1999, has made this 335 page report by COST (supported by the EU RTD Framework Programme) available for download. It’s theme… Read moreTowards an inclusive future: Impact and wider potential of information and communication technologies
Expected in a few months. E-Health Insider Primary Care story.
They should close the old Telecare Policy Collaborative one too. Closing sites listed here.
Pharmacists waking up to the business potential of telehealth?