Telecare on BBC Radio 4 – Monday 6 March
Professor James Barlow (see our ‘About us’ page) will be talking about telecare on Radio 4’s ‘You and Yours’ consumer affairs programme on Monday 6 March, 12-1pm.
Professor James Barlow (see our ‘About us’ page) will be talking about telecare on Radio 4’s ‘You and Yours’ consumer affairs programme on Monday 6 March, 12-1pm.
Conference: Modernising Adult Social Care, Opportunities for Offering Choice and Independence
This is a good general article on telehealth in the US and its benefits for users and services.
Start of two trends? Dispersed telehealth monitoring and miniaturisation of telehealth kit.
Ok, this does not have any new information for our readers, but we thought it was a good example of a brief, positive press release.